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演講題目:What Have I learned from Materials Modeling and Simulation?



演講摘要(Summary of Speech):

Materials science has been transformed through the applications of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, combined with other techniques. In this talk, I will mainly introduce the projects conducted in our group (Energy Materials Modelling Group) and our current four research themes: (I) Catalysis (II) Energy Storage (III) Semiconductors (IV) High Entropy Materials. (I) Electronic structure calculations help in understanding catalytic mechanisms and predicting their activity performance. (II) In the realm of energy storage materials, DFT enables the prediction of reversible hydrogen storage materials and understanding the mechanisms in battery materials to facilitate the design of batteries with enhanced performance and better stability. (III) For semiconductor research, DFT predicts the electronic properties of materials for optimizing semiconductor materials for applications. (IV) For high entropy materials, DFT could predict their structural stability and help understand the multi-component effect on catalysis and battery performance. Nowadays, combining Machine learning (ML) with multiscale modelling, trained with accurate DFT-calculated and other simulation outcomes, could enable large-scale modelling and simulations with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. We expect to see the synergy of ML and multiscale modelling play important roles in the design and development of materials shortly.


服務單位(Service Unit):清華大學工科系


個人學經歷(Education and Research Experience):


畢業學校  國別  主修學門系所  學位 
倫敦大學學院  英國  化學  博士 
國立台灣大學  台灣  材料科學與工程系  碩士 
國立成功大學  台灣  資源工程系  學士 



  服務機關  服務部門  職稱 
現職:  國立清華大學  工程與系統科學系
經歷:  國立清華大學  工程與系統科學系  助理教授 
  義大利米蘭比可卡大學  材料科學系  博士後研究員 
  台灣中央研究院 原子分子科學研究所  研究助理 
  國立台灣大學 材料科學與工程系  助教