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演講人:Dr. Yuji Higaki 檜垣勇次

演講題目:Phase Separation of Hydrophilic Polymers in Water: A New Concept for Aqueous Molecular Compartments

演講時間:113.09.16 AM 10:20~12:10


演講摘要(Summary of Speech):

Molecular compartments produced by liquid-liquid phase separation of polymer solutions are expected to be a platform for hierarchical aqueous molecular systems. We have investigated unique phase separation of zwitterionic polymers in water, which is contrasting to nonionic polymers. Microphase separation of double zwitterionic block copolymer aqueous solutions and the morphology modulation depending on the volume fraction and polymer concentration was explored.


服務單位(Service Units):Department of Integrated Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Oita University

職稱(Title):Associate Professor

個人學經歷(Education and Research Experience):

Mar. 2006    D. Eng. Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University
2006-2011   Teijin Co. Ltd.
2011-2017   Assistant Professor; Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University
2018-present   Associate Professor; Faculty of Science and Technology, Oita University 


2017  IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Young Scientist Award GOLD AWARD
2015   第25回日本MRS年次大会 奨励賞
2015   繊維学会年次大会 若手優秀発表賞


2024-9-16 speech