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演講者:Dr. Shan Jin
演講題目:Accelerating materials development and innovation using the CALPHAD method
演講者:Prof. Mu-Ping Nieh
演講題目:Controlling Morphology and Functions of Theranostic Lipid Nanoparticles
演講者:Dr.Yunzhi Wang
演講題目:Transformation and Deformation Pathway Engineering and Novel Alloy Design Strategies
演講主題:CFD Simulation and Visualization for Steelmaking Process
主講人:Chenn Zhou, Ph.D. from Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University Northwest
演講者:Prof. Lane W. Martin
演講題目:Ferroic Complex Oxides for Next-Generation Applications and Devices
演講人:Dr. Yuji Higaki 檜垣勇次
演講題目:Phase Separation of Hydrophilic Polymers in Water: A New Concept for Aqueous Molecular Compartments
演講人:蔡豐羽 教授、謝坤洲 先生、周苡嘉 教授、謝姍姍 小姐、劉友盛 先生、張琬柔 小姐